
Welcome to the corner of my website devoted to our family trees. The work was started years ago on a Mac using Reunion software by Susan’s father Harold Lowry and has been augmented, updated, and posted here using Legacy Family Tree and RootsPersona. 

My approach

God loves us and has good plans for us all.

His Kingdom is built on hope, love, and trust.

We’ve all made a lot of mistakes, but the future is still very hopeful when we turn it all over to the One who knows and always cares.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Brokenness, contrition, and repentance open the door. There is wisdom and power in release.

Pray, be open and receptive, listen, learn, empathize, develop relationship, understand and be understood, find common ground, learn from mistakes, get back up and find the way through.

I love people and am happy to come alongside when it’s appropriate.  The best is yet to come.

The 5th Commandment

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.”

Exodus 20:12


I’ve become devoted to the Kingdom of God. Let’s come alongside and see how He can use us to build together.


We each have families that can bring some of our greatest joys and struggles. Feel free to meet mine.


Is there any way I might be able to help your group with a meeting, consultation, or presentation?